We girls do not only exist for parties and getaways. We girls exist with a vision, a purpose, a goal and a strategy. We exist not only because we should but we would and we could. Leading our team, Ate Janeth trains us her girls with wit and confidence believing that someday she could raise up her own GOVERNMENT of 12 or most commonly known as the G12. We gather up every Monday evening at 6:00-7:00 and non-stop talk and inspiring messages are being thrown by everyone as we continue to serve and live for God.
We are created by God so why waste it? it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. We do not only create bonds of friendship but we create leaders.
In need of friends who could understand, mold, and motivate you for the best? Come. Join our weekly cell meeting at the back of Tablon Community Church and experience radical change not made by us but by GOD.
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